Pomeranian Center of Hearing and Speech Medincus

10 December 2018 by Ewa Zachwiej
Center PresentationTeamOur ServicesContact and RegistrationAktualności

The Pomeranian Center of Hearing and Speech Medincus began its activity in 2009. The center is located at Gdańsk Wrzeszcz, st. Biała 7A. The center is located on the ground floor of a modern residential building, a five-minute walk from the railway station. The center is equipped with special devices for use by people with disabilities.

Center equipment:

  • a fully equipped ENT machine with a video-otoscope, video-fiberscope, video-endoscope, video-microscope and video-stroboscope, as well as the ability of recording images and sounds,
  • an audiometry booth and equipment for comprehensive hearing examinations, including objective tests,
  • equipment for screening newborn babies,
  • a specialized room for the rehabilitation of hearing, voice and speech,
  • a psychologist’s office with specialized equipment for tele-fitting and tele-rehabilitation of patients with implants,
  • a hearing aid cabinet,
  • an inhaler for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Grażyna Urbańska
  • Aleksandra Klein-Obrębska
  • Elżbieta Dębniak-Matyjas
  • Zbigniew Aleksandrowski
  • Edyta Stańczyk
  • Dagmara Szober
  • Małgorzata Kowalska
  • Agnieszka Hyczko
  • Izabela Sztukiert
  • Małgorzata Potocka-Bakłażec
  • Dorota Szyszko-Maziuk
  • Ewa Jarzyna
  • Aneta Bartnicka
  • Iwona Pietlicka
  • Katarzyna Ickiewicz
  • Sabina Łozińska
  • Otorhinolaryngology department
  • Phoniatric department
  • Speech therapy department
  • Psychological department
  • Hearing aids, selection of hearing aids
  • Rehabilitation
  • Inhalation
  • IAS Personalized Auditory Reconstructive Stimulation

Pomeranian Center of Hearing and Speech Medincus

Biała 7A,
80-435 Gdańsk

phone: +48 58 355 51 00
e-mail: rejestracja.gdansk@csim.pl
www: www.gdansk.csim.pl

Monday: 8.00-19.00
Tueseday: 8.00-18.00
Wednesday: 8.00-19.00
Thursday: 8.00-19.00
Friday: 8.00-16.00


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Centrum Słuchu i Mowy MEDINCUS
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